Posted in Blogger awards

Outstanding blogger award!!

Hello Chillies! Finally, I’m posting again!!

So, I got tagged for the “Outstanding Blogger award” (YAY!)  by Jheel@crazybookworm!.

Thank you Jheel!

The rules to this award are:-

  1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post.

2. Answer the questions provided

3. Create 7 unique questions

4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated.

5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

My nominees are

  1.  Sukanya
  2. PotterheadAanya
  3. Beatrice
  4. Renee
  5.  Ariel
  6.  Chloe
  7.  Maggie
  8.  Addie
  9.  Shaneesa
  10.  Introverted thoughts

My questions-

1. What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?

2. What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?

3. If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?

4.  What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?

5. What TV show character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week?

6.  Which protagonist from a book or movie would make the worst roommate?

7. What animal or plant do you think should be renamed?


Hullo! I'm Amelia, but you can call me Aamy! I'm an extroverted tomboy who *loves* Attack On Titan ✊ I'm good at lots of things (Maybe coz I'm epic 😂✊), like, Swimming, Football, Karate, painting, writing, gaming, etc, etc. Now, check out my blog (Because I dunno what else to say, so bye)

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